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Born, and raised in Norway. Spent my childhood years way up north - of the arctic cirkle. Now, og my "older" years, I've moved down south to a better climate.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What happen

Sorry folks, I just gotta get back to this.
I can’t let everything go. As I said I would not get into the 11.th September issues. But there are way too many things to let it go. I’m not gonna debate the terrorist involvement of that day, in honor of all the people that have given their lives and their health on that day, and later. But I have to talk about some incidents that can all be reviewed in the news archives of CNN, FOX News, NBC and others.

Pentagon, was it hit by a plane or was it something else that hit that building? Let’s just look at a few examples that the official report can’t prove. If a plane hit that building, where’s the skid marks that has to be present after the underbody of the plane across the lawn? Where’s the structural damage after the impact of the wings? Where are the engines? On the last subject, the officials claim that the heat caused by the burning jet fuel caused the engines to evaporate. Should we believe this? No. to enlighten a lot of people, jet fuel is in fact a mixture of naphtha and paraffin. What Rolls Royce officials said after the 11.th of September, jet-b will not burn at such a high temperature that the titanium fans inside the jet turbine would evaporate. Titanium has a melting point at 1668 degrees Celsius or 3034 degrees Fahrenheit. Titanium will boil at 3287/5949 degrees C/F. The open air burning temperature of JET A-1 is 287.5/549.2 C/F. Will this cause the titanium parts to evaporate? No it will not. If you still add a possible chimney effect, you still won’t gain enough temperature. And as a group of civil engineers already made a point of. A Boeing 747 hitting Pentagon in that angle would leave impressions after the wings, and the point of impact and penetration would be bigger.

I know that FBI released some photos taken from surveillance camera overseeing the parking lot outside Pentagon that clearly shows a plane. The only problem is... It’s not a high speed cam, or a normal 25 frames/sec camera. After what I’ve found on the web, it’s a cam that shoots 10 frames/sec. And the getting 3 frames that clearly shows a mid/tail section of a 747 doing app 900KMh is pretty amazing. But I’ll leave that, for now. Just think about it for a while. And just not approve of anything the government tells you to believe. Ask the questions you need to feel secure, and through the channels you feel secure on.

And please, please stay away from the conspiracy theorist sites. And in the same time, stay away from the oldest and biggest conspiracy theory of all times. Yes, I’m talking about religion. The conspiracy theory on September the 11.th and the conspiracy theory of religion is based on the same principal. Somebody has seen or heard something they can’t explain. So, they make up a theory to explain what they just saw or heard. In the early ages, before science was a fact, nobody knew where we came from or how we got here. In Norway, we got the Norse mythology with Thor, Odin, and Valhalla. And I have to say, it sounds pretty cool. Every night you drink a lot of mjoed (a crossing between beer and vine), eat and party on. If you get killed, you’ll wake up the next morning feeling’ all right. And you can do this to the end of time. Comparing this to “heaven”. Hey, walking around in a robe, with wings on my back, singing cheerful songs to praise the lord. Not exactly my idea of fun. So therefore I’m glad that I’m an atheist, and are heading down to a party with Phil Lynnot, Jimi Hendrix, Bon Scott, Steve Ray Vaughn and many more.

42 – for ever!!!

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