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Born, and raised in Norway. Spent my childhood years way up north - of the arctic cirkle. Now, og my "older" years, I've moved down south to a better climate.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep…

In outer space, satellites are linking up. Digital signals are flying around up there. One satellite is moving into position, ready to send the encoded beeps down to earth. At Fort Langley a computer is booting up from hibernation mode, and a red flashing light can be observed in the controller room. Technicians are dropping their coffee cups, as they sprint towards their stations. Then suddenly, on a 200inch monitor the words “Taliban” “al-Qaeda” and Osama Bin Laden is flashing up. The state of awareness is suddenly elevated. Tom, a 32 year old tech, shakes his head, and shouts out loud: “Somebody just Google’s Taliban. Quick track the IP address of that computer! It might be a terrorist getting ready to send information.”
Well I’m oh so sorry that I have to let Tom and the other techs down. It’s just me, doing some research for today’s blog. But as I sat here, trying to read up on the Taliban, just to spread the word of their lack in self control, another idea hit me. But I’m still waiting for my 20MB DSL line to die on itself, and 2 guys in black suits, wearing sunglasses at 10 p.m., entering the building… Flashing the Patriot Act before me, as they try to cuff me. Well FBI agents at the US embassy in Oslo, this is Norway, and not a suburb to the USA. The Patriot Act does not work here.
But as I think about this, I suddenly realize what the European Union is trying to force down on us. Just to enlighten any reader that’s not familiar with what the European Union is, I’ll try to explain it in short terms. Sometime in the early 50’s some countries here in Europe looked to the USA and thought; “Hey, that looks like a good idea. Let us copy them”. And so they did, but with a bad result. In fact the EU is sort of nothing more than a “soup council”, trying to spend as much money as they can, on nothing. And at the same time, make stupid rules, which always gain in favor of the countries that have the right to veto everything. If, and somebody forbid (hey the constitution actually do forbid) Norway was to become a member in that “soup council”, we would have 4 – four – representative in the EU parliament. Germany got 99 reps, Franc Italy and the UK got 78 each. Norway is the second riches country in the world, only succeeded by Lichtenstein, or some other small European state (also NOT in the EU). The UK is, thanks to Tony Blair’s nose far up Bush’s rear end, is almost broke. But back again to the laws. The EU is trying to enforce a law that gives the ISP the right to log what every person does on the web. This will also affect you in the way that if you download a MP3 file, the ISP will close down your DSL line. Actually ban you from gaining access to the internet. And if you download a MP3, and you get banned, the ISP is forced to give the internet log over to the police, so you can be prosecuted. If you need something extra to spice up your sexlife, you have to make sure that you are allowed to watch this on the web, or the cops will arrest you.

Seriously, who in their right minds wants this? I’m not in favor of downloading movies, games, MP3’s or any other copyrighted material. But if I have the urge to read about Taliban, al-Qaeda, Bin Laden or even read the terrorist handbook… We already got the tracking computers at Fort Langley, or where ever they are located.

So, stay safe on the web, and may the force be with you. And still 42 for ever. Will be back with another post on religion. And if anyone in the UK or USA reads this, I’m in the need for some bibles. So, if you have one to spare, send me a mail with the type of translation. For one, I need to compare with our version, so I can try to understand why they all break the last lines in the bible that states that it’s a deadly sin to add or alter this book. And then you flip the page to read all the modifications and alternations that has been done.

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