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Born, and raised in Norway. Spent my childhood years way up north - of the arctic cirkle. Now, og my "older" years, I've moved down south to a better climate.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Medical care in the US

Well, I know I'm late. And in fact it's May 1.st today
But it’s better late than never.
Tonight I wanna bring the focus towards the medical practice in the USA.
Do Americans actually believe that a socialized medical system would destroy the medical care? That the doctors would be forced to move to a kingdom far away?
I’ll tell you a little story. If you, as an American, came to Norway on a holiday, you wouldn’t need insurance to gain medical care. In fact you can travel the whole of Europe, without any insurance. And would you receive medical care, oh yes. Would it cost you a fortune, hell no. Because it’s free. I got a daughter that has a heart condition. And I’m so glad we don’t live in the US. Her first open heart surgery was done at the age of 11 months. We spent a fortnight in two different hospitals 1500 km apart. Travelling by plane. And the price tag 0.0 NOK or USD. What would this cost in the US?? I don’t know, but I’ll bet it would be several thousands of dollars. And since it’s a condition she’s born with, we would not be able to by medical insurance for her.

A general practicing doctor in Norway has an average gross income of app 114 698.708 USD. This does NOT include overtime and other income, that’s an average app 27 916.330 USD. For a grand total gross income of app 142 615.038 USD. Not all that bad, when you consider that Mr. Bush had, I think I saw, 400 000 USD when he was in office as president.
When I saw “Sicko” by Michael Moore, I got somewhat disgusted by the way USA treats it’s sick and elderly. In Europe you almost never see an 80 year old man working to make a living, or to pay for his needed meds. We do not charge 50 USD for a small asthma inhalator. If you got asthma, you get a “blue prescription” and pay a small fee once a year for the medicine you need.
This is just for thoughts. Think about what kind of country you want to live in. And think about the fact that Hillary Clinton got gagged by the US senate, not to ever again talk about socializing the medical care in the USA. And for the app 4% of the 260 000 000 people living in the USA that got a passport so they can go on a holiday to another country. Feel free to grab a flight across the Atlantic and see for yourselves.

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