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Born, and raised in Norway. Spent my childhood years way up north - of the arctic cirkle. Now, og my "older" years, I've moved down south to a better climate.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Inhumane or humane

As I stroll around on the great yonder of the internet, I see a lot of usage of the terms humane/inhumane. And I wonder.

How can you inflict inhumanity towards something that's not human. Isn't it a conflict there somewhere? Can you treat, for example, a pig inhumane? How is that possible, since the pig is not human? And this keep popping up all over the web. PETA talks about it, and a found a self pronounced messiah of animal treatment, Peter Hamilton, that also uses the terms. The human race is the only mammal on the planet earth that we can use the terms humane/inhumane towards, since we are humans (Homo Sapiens in Latin), and from that the term humane or inhumane. So why do we let them trick us into using these terms on animals?? Well, from what I think, it's to gain sympathy towards the animals. Because if they only say "Let's treat the cattle better", people can't relate to the term. We would the ask; "Better than what?". So they implement the term of humane so that the readers/listeners can relate to their story. And it's no hidden secret that I despise PETA, Greenpeace, Sea Sheppard and the likes of them. Mainly because...

PETA - wants' us not to use animals for anything. But to dress themselves in plastic products that pollute a whole lot - OK. The human race has used animals for food, clothes and tools for some 100.000 years or so. Why shouldn't we still use animals for those purposes?

Greenpeace - Almost as shady as extremely religious people. Once I asked a Greenpeace activist why they opposed towards us Norwegians catching whale. And the answer was not only stupid but ridiculous. It's not a humane method of killing an animal. Then I asked the same person why they did not oppose to the bull fighting in Spain. Reply; It's a tradition that's been going on for hundreds of years. Well a news flash.. The first one to populate Norway some 10.000 years ago, caught whales along the ice. So it's a tradition for us to do so. And we do not "torture" the animal just for fun, as of what happens in Spain.

But back to humane..
Can you treat an animal inhumane? No, that's not possible. Simply because it's not a HUMAN.

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