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Born, and raised in Norway. Spent my childhood years way up north - of the arctic cirkle. Now, og my "older" years, I've moved down south to a better climate.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

War, peace, religion and stuff Pt. 3

Now I'm back. a new keyboard is installed, so that I can bare the fun of writing this blog. The other day at work, me and my boss got into the discussion on religion. and we do agree, religion is a lot of bogus. and during the last week or so, what happen? a Norwegian scientist may have the proof of "the missing link". So how will the followers of god now spread disbelief on the "theory of evolution"? I'm sure they'll find a way. But, it's not an option to believe or not believe the theory of evolution. you can't make that choice. And another thing.. Pope John Paul II stated once that hell does not exist. Good news for the Catholics.. Now they can use condoms and birth control without the fear of going to hell. This because. The pope is god's chosen man on the earth. And god do not make mistakes. If the pope is wrong, god is wrong.
But when the pope states that condoms do not help on the HIV/AIDS epidemic , he's oh so wrong. It does, as proven by science.
And I'm a bit worried, that a lot of the young people growing up in the US don't learn about the evolution. That the religious foundation some places are so strong that they can use the courts as their "moral" playground. And get the courts to ban the teachers from learning the kids about the truth. This all based on a book that is every bit as hard proven as the combined collection by the brothers Grimm. It's a scary thought indeed. It's just as scary as the fanatics in the middle east. So as a kick off today, I hope that the Americans can look a bit into their own country before they point their fingers at everybody else... You got a lot of religious fanatics in your homeland.

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